Want to make our famous, colour-changing in-store drinks special Unicorn Fizz at home?
Now you can with this easy iced tea recipe!
We use our best-selling Blue Raspberry blue pea flower tea to make this bright blue iced tea, that turns pink with a splash of lemon juice! Magic!
We've enhanced the recipe for our best-selling Blue Raspberry colour-changing tea & it's now caffeine free!
Tastier than ever, this fan favourite blend used to be a green tea, which we worked our magic on and made into a juicy fruity fantasy. This means that it is now caffeine free, perfect for cold brew, & ready for everyone to enjoy.

What you will need:
- 3 Perfect Tea Spoons of Blue Raspberry tea
- 150ml 100° water
- Vanilla essence
- Honey or sweetener of choice
- Ice
- Sparkling water
- Fresh lemon
- Cocktail shaker (optional)
What to do:
1. Start off by brewing your Blue Raspberry tea in 150ml of 100° water for 4 minutes.
2. Set a timer & strain. Leave your tea to cool, in the fridge if you wish.
3. Pour your tea into your cocktail shaker and add a cup of ice. Add a few drops of vanilla essence, & a tea spoon of honey then shake! If you don't have a shaker, don't worry you can simply add the tea to a glass of ice and jump to step
4. Pour into your glass, top up with sparkling water and give it a good stir!
5. Squeeze a couple of wedges of fresh lemon into your drink and watch the tea colour magically change!
6. Enjoy!
Read on for more recipe ideas, including our Wobbly Unicorn Tea Cocktail!
Alternative recipes:
Cold brew: You could also cold brew this tea overnight if you wanted to avoid the cooling period. Simply add 4 - 6 spoons of tea to your cold brew bottle and top with cold water and steep overnight. This would make you approximately 4 servings. We don't recommend leaving your leaves in the cold brew bottle for much longer than overnight as the tea could go bitter over time.
Wobbly Unicorn Tea Cocktail: To make our famous Wobbly Unicorn cocktail all you need to do is to add 25 or 50ml of your favourite spirit of choice to the cocktail shaker along with the tea. We recommend vodka or gin.
Trouble Shooting Tips:
If your tea isn't brewing blue; you may not have enough of the blue flower in your infuser - try a heaped, even spoonful whilst being mindful that the flowers might have settled lower down your pouch/tin.
If your tea isn't changing colour to pink; the acidity isn't strong enough - Try the juice of a whole lemon or lemon syrup (like the stuff you put on pancakes!).
You may have seen this blend on Amazon Prime Video’s Ready Set StartUP! Check out all the behind-the-scenes info from Krisi here.
Hello Carole,
We are so pleased that you are loving our cold brews! This is a great question, we are such chocolate fans we eat them straight away but if you onto The Coconut Collaborative website you will see a whole range of recipes which you can try!
I am so enjoying make cold brews and the the hot ones, thank you for the recipe, will try it out.
I have a question for you, the little coconut chocolate pots, what is it, do you spread it, make a drink out of it, sorry I have never seen them before.
Thanks for all your notes and emails, sounds silly but it makes me smile 😃